Worth Valley Food Bank Logo Worth Valley Food Bank

Worth Valley Food Bank

West Lane Baptist Church, Haworth

We are Running Low on Stocks of Food - Please Donate!

We are running very low on stocks of food at the moment. If you can make a donation of food (no matter how small) it would be greatly appreciated.

We need anything and everything at the moment, but some of our essentials are: Tea, Coffee, longlife milk, cereals, jams, biscuits and tinned items like meats, meat pies, fish, veggies e.g. peas, carrots and potatoes, soups, spaghetti hoops and so on. Also toiletries such as toilet rolls, shower gel, soap, toothpaste, shampoo and sanitary products.

Please look out for our donation bins in Oxenhope, Haworth and Oakworth Co-ops and Haworth Spar, or bring your donation to us at West Lane Baptist Church, Haworth, on Tuesday afternoons between 1 pm and 2.45 pm, or leave a message on our mobile if you need us to collect from you. Thanks everyone!

Food bank poster Anyone living in the Worth Valley who's struggling to afford enough food can get up to 3 food parcels in any 3 months to help them though their crisis times.

You don't need a referral from anyone, but if you feel you would benefit from additional help, we can refer you on to services better equipped to help you. Just call us on Monday, Tuesday or Friday between 9 am and 12 midday or collect from us on Tuesday afternoon before 2.45 pm.